
Do ppt..

Today just stay at home
bored.. ><

aihh.. have to do society's things:
Ppt bout accomplishment report
enrol new students activity(2010)
S2 students are concentrate in SPM
So I'm the person in charge T_____T
I don't know how to do ahh ~
who can help me ? help me~
cuz 1st time do lehh ..no experience><>haven't started yet
maybe later just start a bit ..
really don't know how to do ..>< T______T
help me help me help me ..~~~~

Today my lunch is Maggie Mee..
ahh,long time din eat lerr..
actually I like maggie mee^^
hehe ~ but can't eat frequently
cuz it is Unhealthy!!!
cnt eat too much!!!!

K lahh .. nothing to say today .

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