yesterday after tuition..
go shopping with dear ..
1st station is TS
cuz went to " Nature Republic"
haha..I like this
haha .. not too expensive wat ..
then go LOt 10 bought ROMP
we bought same ~ yeayyy ! ^^
ts & sg wang many ppl ohh
after that went PAVILION
haha .. start shopping
shopping till forgot hungry
we 4:00 p.m just had lunch
We hv no idea what we want to eat
so we juz ate at "Little Taiwan "
~ Lai Min
then cotinued walk
walk till 7:00 p.m back home
woots!!! bought many thingssss..
so good ^^
p/s : we din hv bought STARBUCKS leh .. [clap clapss..]
yo ! a NEW month ..
so high yest .. today din hv skul .. very GOOD !!!
so we woke up at 7:00 a.m
why woke up so early ??
because we went to ate " dim sum " ..
haha .. with my family lahh
then went pasar bought soya
aihh .. today damn FAT lah
haihhh~ don't care.. fat mai fat lohh... XD
hahaha ^^
I haven't start do revision yet ><
still wasting time ..
noway !! this night I must do revision edi !!
{hahahaha.. just say lahh ,don't know can do it or not .. }
aiyo ~ I don't want go to school tmr ..><
I scrared...
回复删除y u always say urself fat leh?
u still ok la!
if i were u,
then enough d lo!^^
y scare 4 school,
get exam meh?
really mahh .. aihh ~ dun argue liao lahh .. I'm fat ok?! accept it .. hehe^^
回复删除bcuz society's thingssss lohh.. >,